Aquarius ♒︎ Tomasz Leśniak
Cloudy water left behind delicate waves spreading among a forest nook. Capricorn disappeared below the surface, but just around the corner there was a cheerful figure. It's time for Aquarius.
We get it. You rebel, oppose and set your own paths - keep it up. If it wasn't for people like you, we wouldn't have discovered new stuff. But don't fall into your thoughts too deep. There are things going outside your head that require much attention. Grow trust, and approach others to form the best thriving environment. Teamwork is what it's all about. Sleep with your ideas, soar through unspoken concepts and surface them when you feel comfortable.
Aquarius was created by Tomek Lew Leśniak, with whom we have collaborated before. You are probably familiar with the post-apocalyptic family from the Junkyard series, aren't you? Knowing that the same artist will depict Aquarius we were not worried about the final effect, just excited for Tomek's vision. The final work couldn't make us happier.
Tomek Lew Leśniak graduated from the European Academy of Arts in Warsaw. He's one of the best Polish comics artists as well as a director, graphic designer and illustrator. His talent scored a number of awards, such as Grand Prix International Festival of Comics and Games in Łódź in 1999, brown medal in KTR in 1999 in Illustration category, Grand Prix at SICAF 2012 in Seoul and the Spirit Award at Brooklyn Film Festival 2012. Quite impressive, don't you think?
He created a very popular comics series "Jeż Jerzy”, "Tymek i Mistrz”, "Polska mistrzem Polski” together with Rafałem Skarżycki. He's currently working at the Human Ark animation studio in Warsaw. He's raising his two daughters and cater the caprices of his cat.
Visit Tomasz at
The more effort you put in now, the more room for improvement will come faster than you think. What comes easy, goes away easily. Don't hesitate to work your hands to the bone. Freedom comes with discipline. One of our seven different models of Alternative Longboards ♒︎ Aquarius will train you well. Each one has a unique serial number.
You are a combination of logic and creativity. We know you like to mix things. Choose Chauma for a perfect blend of freestyle, cruising and freeride in one deck.
You very much love surprises and innovation, and we expect nothing less from a sign ruled by Uranus. Choose from Egret and Flamingo for a surprisingly good dance feeling with great pop. If you're less about freestyle and looking for stable ground and more space to walk and dance, take a look at our longest decks, Karoo and Ostrich.
Boost your downhill skills with a deck designed for forward-thinking spirits. We propose either Fantail or Lombardi Pro.
One of four models of Alternative Skateboards ♒︎ Aquarius will allow you to express yourself boldly without overexplaining to those who don't get you. Choose your weapon from Vero, Magna, Classic and Quo shapes.
Choose the top veneer for your deck. There are four options available. American Cherry, American Walnut, Ash or Amazouke - which will be yours? We can also engrave your favorite equation, is it s=d/t?
What do you see in the reflection, Water Bearer? Comment on our Instagram, Facebook, or message us via!